Ebook: Why you need climate intelligence in your 2023 ESG budget

Ebook download - Why decision makers need climate intelligence in 2023

Why you need climate intelligence in your 2023 ESG budget

To future-proof against the financial impacts of climate change, companies need to understand and report on their exposure to climate hazards and incorporate climate risk assessments into their risk management processes.

Climate risk management begins with understanding what climate intelligence is and how it can be used to build business resilience. Incorporating CI into budget plans will set your business up to adapt to climate-related risk in 2023 and beyond.

From this ebook, you will discover:

  • What climate intelligence means and why every business needs it

  • Why it’s critical to include CI in every environmental, social, and governance (ESG) budget

  • How to make a business case that secures climate intelligence from the most creditable source with the greatest ROI

  • How to make targeted interventions and effective adaptation decisions using climate intelligence from EarthScan™